Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Welcome to Beginners Spanish. For the next six weeks we will be exploring the cultures, and the language of the Spanish speaking world. Sixth graders, you will learn how to greet people, ask someones name and tell your own, tell the date and what the weather is like. You will be able to identify body parts and classroom objects as well as tell where things are. This will be done through a variety of activities and games. These will be posted on this blog as well as in the room. You will have Culture Questions. These questions will be renewed every week. They are for a grade and a chance to get a prize from the treasure chest.

Seventh graders you will review last years vocabulary and learn how to tell time.
We will be doing a great deal more with learning the culture of Spanish speaking countries. You will be exploring the traditions and history of Hispanic countries in Spanish. This will culminate in a project comparing these cultures to each other and our own.

For those of you who would like to go above and beyond the classroom activities, check out the links on my blog. I will try to add more, as I get better at "blogging"


Ryan said...

umm ok.

Courtney said...

does any 1 no the gms blog?

Hailey said...

the GMS blog is gms.blogspot, i think...